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Thread: trying to reinstall latest fedora (32) alongsite ubuntu but the live USB isn't

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2017

    trying to reinstall latest fedora (32) alongsite ubuntu but the live USB isn't

    loading anymore.

    the reason why i want to reinstall is because i've not entered my password correctly when i set it for the first time and i forgot what i've entered.
    bottom line: can't loging fedora.

    when i load the usb i get these errors {SCREENSHOT ADDED}
    what should solve it?


    thanks in advance!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2017
    melbourne, au
    Lubuntu Development Release

    Re: trying to reinstall latest fedora (32) alongsite ubuntu but the live USB isn't

    Is the USB the same architecture (i686) as the installed system is (which is i686 given the Fedora-WS-Live-32-1-6)? You can (I believe, sorry I'm rusty with Fedora) see those messages when you boot a different architecture (amd64) to the prior install.

    If this is on a VM, is the architecture the same & hasn't been changed to the initial install?

    I'm no expert in Fedora, I've got an install here but it's mostly used for comparison testing, to confirm bugs aren't Ubuntu specific

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2017

    Re: trying to reinstall latest fedora (32) alongsite ubuntu but the live USB isn't

    thank you!
    do you mean to ask if the usb with the fedora installation the same as i used for installing it? if this is what you mean, the answer is yes..
    if you meant to ask about my system. my computer is 64bit. and i don't know what is i686 architecture.

    i'm not very good with linux so i'm not sure what exactly you mean.

    i need fedora for learnig from a book about using linux.

    should i perhaps reprepare the usb live fedora and try again then?
    {i created it with the fedora tool on windows on another computer}

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    melbourne, au
    Lubuntu Development Release

    Re: trying to reinstall latest fedora (32) alongsite ubuntu but the live USB isn't

    If the 'usb' is the same one your originally installed Fedora with, and it's not had a different image written to it, my guess will be wrong I now believe. (I'd did a quick search online and it came with that as a possible cause there too).

    -- FYI only
    x86 or 32-bit is called i386 in Debian (intel created the 80386 & the class of cpu became i386). Debian & Ubuntu refer to all x86 (32-bit) as i386, where as later x86 advanced to i486, i586 and the final 32-bit was i686. Fedora (& the Linux kernel) call it i686, as it's the type of 32-bit intel cpu required; or correctly the architecture.

    The most common alternative is amd64 (64-bit or x86_64). It's called AMD64 as AMD created the x86 that was backwards compatible with x86 (32-bit). Intel's attempt failed in the marketplace (IA64) so even intel made cpus are amd64. All companies call it amd64 (intel, amd, apple, microsoft..)

    -- END FYI

    Your issue maybe just the forgotten password, and Fedora is just not letting you re-install until you prove you have access rights via entry of the correct password. If you've forgotten the password, or it was mis-entered, you may need to clean install the system, or replace the forgotten password with a known one (the same as you can do with forgotten windows passwords, replace the hashed password with a known hashed password; assuming you don't have encryption).

    I can't explain the Warning messages though, and it would take me too long to explore a Fedora-Workstation-32 ISO (my own is called Fedora-Workstation-Live-x86_64-32-1.6 where yours is missing the amd64, which I suspect is significant but aren't sure sorry).

    Sorry I can't really advice any further, as I'm largely a Debian and Ubuntu user.
    Last edited by guiverc; September 14th, 2020 at 12:24 AM.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Retired in Bournemouth UK

    Re: trying to reinstall latest fedora (32) alongsite ubuntu but the live USB isn't

    If you have an installed Ubuntu system, why are you loading the USB from Windows? Just use mkusb to install the fedora system to your stick in Ubuntu.
    Fill out you signature with details of your base system, that will help you get properly targeted replies. At least we know you are in the covid capital of Aus. (I'm ex Perth btw).

    2 things for you to check:
    As guiverc says, check which architecture you are downloading and burning, make sure the burned stick is the same and it has the same boot structure, the old bios or the newer UEFI type.

    Cheers Tony.
    Asus Z270i7 16gb rm 8tb GT1660 Haupp Quad tunr Kubuntu Jammy/Win 11 Be/FE mythtv 0.34Homerun dual netwk tunr 55¨ Smsng QN95B55" Lap Smsng NP R580 i5 nvidia linux Ultimate/Win 10

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2017

    Re: trying to reinstall latest fedora (32) alongsite ubuntu but the live USB isn't

    -- FYI only
    x86 or 32-bit is called i386 in Debian (intel created the 80386 & the class of cpu became i386). Debian & Ubuntu refer to all x86 (32-bit) as i386, where as later x86 advanced to i486, i586 and the final 32-bit was i686. Fedora (& the Linux kernel) call it i686, as it's the type of 32-bit intel cpu required; or correctly the architecture.

    The most common alternative is amd64 (64-bit or x86_64). It's called AMD as AMD created the x86 that was backwards compatible with x86 (32-bit). Intel's attempt failed in the marketplace (IA64) so even intel made cpus are amd64. All companies call it amd64 (intel, amd, apple, microsoft..)

    -- END FYI
    a bit confusing to comprehend, but still interesting!

    assuming you don't have encryption
    no, no encryption

    anyhow, thanks,
    what i did is to install it on my desktop computer and now i'm happy with it.

    i want to erase fedora from the laptop because if the password problem.

    can you tell me which guide/article explain it the best? my laptop's ubuntu is working. the os to delete from the laptop is the fedora...
    how to remove fedora relatively easily from dual book system?

    thank you for the readiness to assist and thanks for explaning

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2017

    Re: trying to reinstall latest fedora (32) alongsite ubuntu but the live USB isn't

    If you have an installed Ubuntu system, why are you loading the USB from Windows? Just use mkusb to install the fedora system to your stick in Ubuntu.
    i've tried to find explanation for how to make a bootable live usb stick in ubuntu but the articles suggested apps like etcher which i prefer not to install as it is not from the software center.
    i just wanted to do it quickly so i went to windows 10 and downloaded fedora's tool.

    Fill out you signature with details of your base system
    good idea.
    i created one. can you see it? should i be able to see my own signature?


  8. #8
    Join Date
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    melbourne, au
    Lubuntu Development Release

    Re: trying to reinstall latest fedora (32) alongsite ubuntu but the live USB isn't

    Quote Originally Posted by ronjjjg8885 View Post
    i want to erase fedora from the laptop because if the password problem.

    can you tell me which guide/article explain it the best? my laptop's ubuntu is working. the os to delete from the laptop is the fedora...
    how to remove fedora relatively easily from dual book system?
    My current system is dual boot, the two OSes are Ubuntu groovy (the development release) and Ubuntu 18.04 LTS (a fallback should I have issues)

    If I wanted to remove one, I'd boot the other one, erase the partitions of the OS I didn't want (mine contain two partitions used by each, one for / & one for /home). This erases the other system, but may leave a broken system if the now erased system owned the MBR (first sector of the OS that contains a pointer used by `grub`). To ensure the current OS owned the boot process, I'd enter the command

    sudo grub-install /dev/sda
    I'd then reboot & test.

    Another example of the same thing. If I was to boot a system to my left, which contains 3 OSes being include Lubuntu 20.04, Fedora 32 & OpenSUSE tumbleweed. If I wanted to erase Fedora, I'd boot an OS (Lubuntu 20.04 in my case), load it's KDE Partition Manager and remove the Fedora partition(s) (both / and /home) then again to ensure the system booted and didn't end up in grub rescue (because of a dangling pointer) enter the same `sudo grub-install /dev/sda` command.

    On that box I know Lubuntu owns the grub, so the `grub-install` command is not necessary, but re-running again will do no harm so I'd likely do it anyway, just to be sure.

    NOTE: /dev/sda is my boot device on both my example boxes; it maybe something different on your boxes. `blkid` may provide some clues.

    If I wanted to use the now free disk space for something else, I'd not do that in this erasure step. After everything was tested & I knew it was good, I'd boot a live system and makes those changes later. Partition changes like re-sizing can be risky, so backup first.

  9. #9
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    Retired in Bournemouth UK

    Re: trying to reinstall latest fedora (32) alongsite ubuntu but the live USB isn't

    No, signature not visible yet.
    Asus Z270i7 16gb rm 8tb GT1660 Haupp Quad tunr Kubuntu Jammy/Win 11 Be/FE mythtv 0.34Homerun dual netwk tunr 55¨ Smsng QN95B55" Lap Smsng NP R580 i5 nvidia linux Ultimate/Win 10

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Hikkaduwa, Sri Lanka
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    Re: trying to reinstall latest fedora (32) alongsite ubuntu but the live USB isn't

    Quote Originally Posted by ronjjjg8885 View Post
    the articles suggested apps like etcher which i prefer not to install as it is not from the software center.
    Gnome-Disks will do everything Etcher will do.

    - Select the Disk you want Ubuntu Live on.

    - Select the icon with three lines upper right.

    - Select Restore Disk Image.

    - Click Image to Restore.

    - Find the image and click Open.

    - Click Start Restoring.

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